The climate change manifests in longer periods of drought on one hand and extreme overflow of watercourses on the other hand. This will significantly disrupt the agriculture sector, which strongly relies on certain temperatures and precipitation levels. The farming choices and the climate will determine the water footprint of agriculture: over-exploitation of water resources is a threat to farming and the environment.
As a solution to this problem comes HYDROSTICK: a modular baton-shaped sensor device of variable length, between 25 and 120 centimeters, depending on the configuration of the probe.
It allows for the configuration of module-sensors of different types at different depths which gives the possibility to measure above and below the root, to minimize wasted resources.
It has 3 different groups of sensors, according to the parameters to be measured:
HumidityNode: Volumetric water content (presence of water and dissolved salts in the soil matrix and humidity), soil water tension, retention curve (soil texture), electrical conductivity of dissolved water and temperature.
ConductivityNode: Four-wire electrical conductivity and temperature.
NPK-pHNode: Acidity / alkalinity (pH), nitrate, potassium and phosphorus index and temperature.
LIFE HYDROSTICK project aims to validate and demonstrate the capabilities of the Hydrostick technology to reduce up to 25% in the consumption of water and nutrients in irrigation and fertilization of crops. Also, it will boost the device into the European market, to make a big impact in the European farming practices.
Fernando Sarría Agrotechnoliges SL, DENODL en su marca comercial, ha participado en el marco del Programa ICEX Next y ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER
Fernando Sarría Agrotechnologies SL, operating under the commercial brand DENODL, has participated in the ICEX Next Program and has received support from ICEX, as well as co-financing from the European FEDER fund.
La finalidad de este apoyo ha sido contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.
The purpose of this support has been to contribute to the international development of the company and its surrounding environment.
A lo largo de los meses ha logrado cumplir con la finalidad de introducir y consolidar la cultura exportadora de la empresa y ha pasado a formar parte de su estrategia empresarial.
Over the months, the company has successfully achieved its goal of introducing and consolidating an export-oriented culture, which has become an integral part of its business strategy.
Para ello, ha contado con un asesoramiento especializado a través de una consultora experta que ha identificado y promocionado el desarrollo de su estrategia exterior y mejorado su competitividad internacional.
To accomplish this, the company has received specialized advice through an expert consultancy that has identified and promoted the development of its international strategy and improved its global competitiveness.
En toda la publicidad y los materiales de difusión y promoción que han sido susceptibles de recibir apoyo del programa ICEX Next, se ha incluido la identificación FEDER.
In all advertising and promotional materials that have benefited from the ICEX Next program, the FEDER identification has been included.
FERNANDO SARRIA AGROTECHNOLOGIES S.L. (FSA), a company which was born with the mission of bringing high technology to the market at an affordable price, combining product and service. FSA was founded in July 2019, drawing from the experts and innovators of FSESTRUCTURAS under the lead of Fernando Sarria, architect, expert in agile project management and innovation management.
The leading entity is FERNANDO SARRIA AGROTECHNOLOGIES (FSA) inventor and developer of the Hydrostick technology, and in this project it will be accompanied by AN S.Coop. (AN), which will lead the validation process and the Instituto de Agrobiotecnología (IDAB-CSIC) which will be in charge of designing and executing a validation plan for the validation of the HYDROSTICK in different fields.
The LIFE HYDROSTICK technology will be demonstrated in real scale, to showcase its performance and its ability to achieve substantial water savings and efficiency in the use of fertilizers and fertigation practices. It will be first validated in greenhouse, followed by a full scale demonstration in 4 pilot crops of 2 Spanish locations (Navarra, Extremadura).
The leading entity is FERNANDO SARRIA AGROTECHNOLOGIES (FSA) inventor and developer of the Hydrostick technology, and in this project it will be accompanied by AN S.Coop. (AN), which will lead the validation process and the Instituto de Agrobiotecnología (IDAB-CSIC) which will be in charge of designing and executing a validation plan for the validation of the HYDROSTICK in different fields.
The methodology consists of 6 WP related not only the real scale testing, but also the technology scaling-up, dissemination and communication of results, design for replication and transferability and exploitation of project results. 5 environmental KPIs have been defined to monitor the impacts that the project aims to achieve.
PROYECTO DE I+D 0011-1365-2022-000110 Transición ecológica 01/06/2022 al 31/05/2024
El objetivo general de Severance ha sido el de obtener un sistema de sensorización completa para la optimización del diseño de los modelos hidrológicos de los sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenible, y la automatización de los ajustes de gradientes de humedad en las pilas de compostaje. Para ello se ha diseñado y desarrollado un sistema completo de sensorización inteligente capaz de medir y calcular el acondicionamiento digital de datos relativos a la humedad y temperatura donde las condiciones de medición son completamente complejas.
Esta empresa ha recibido una ayuda cofinanciada al 40% por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional a través del Programa Operativo FEDER 2021-2027 de Navarra».
We organise our work with six work packages that aim us towards our final goal: to have HYDROSTICK devices making the world a better place in every crop plot.
Our progress highlight: We have created our first HYDROSTICK functioning prototype.
WP1: Project management and coordination activities. A strong project management body capable of efficient management that will ensure smooth sailing throughout the project by tackling administrative, financial and legal issues is designed and running.
A Risk assessment and quality assurance plan has been created.
A data management plan has been created.
WP2: Hydrostick system final design and validation. The first functioning HYDROSTICK prototype has been created. It includes a mechanical prototype of the design of the device, motherboard, sensoring capabilities and all other electronic subsystems necessary for this stage.
WP3: Prototype upscaling and pre-series production. We are on our way to designing a production process for the Hydrostick probe fabrication.
WP4: Test plan design and implementation. Once we finish our final functioning prototype, we will follow a testing plan to monitor our environmental impact, and 2 KPI-reports describing the estimated and actually achieved KPIs will be elaborated.
WP5: Dissemination and communication. We have designed a potent dissemination and communication plan, in order to communicate the projects results to relevant target groups and stakeholders and raise awareness for the problem that is treated in the project and advertise the solution.
WP6: Sustainability, replication, and exploitation of project results. We are on our way to develop a business plan for the commercial exploitatio
Our progress highlight: We have created our first HYDROSTICK functioning prototype.